Saturday, December 15, 2012
Online Christmas Simbang Gabi 2012 (dawn masses)
The dawn masses at San Fernando De Dilao Parish in Paco can be viewed on
Note from me: This will also benefit other nationalities, of course, who can't physically go to church in the early morning (or whatever time it is in their countries) to go to Holy Mass in preparation for Christmas Day. The Mass to be said online might be in Pilipino (the Philippines's language), however. I have no idea about this as of this time, though. .
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The New Apostles' Creed has a sexist line?
I'm all for the changes in the liturgy in the Mass, if it will help improve or strengthen the faith of the people and make the Masses even more relevant and timely, among other things.
However, I'm a bit bothered that in the new "Apostles Creed" prayed in the Mass (the prayer that begins with "I believe in one God"), a line there seems to be sexist. Why? Because the line (12th line) refers to only "men" and not to "women" also. I subscribe to the use of politically correct gender-fair language in written and spoken manner, and I think the use of "men" only in that line could have been improved by just using "For us" instead of "For us men..." (Or, maybe just drop altogether the phrase "For us men" and start the line with "For our salvation..."
I know that some people still subscribe to the teaching that the word "man" already refers to "woman." But with all the efforts being done by various sectors, groups, and advocates toward gender equality and the recognition given the differing situations and needs of "women" and of "men," and with all the world conferences, conventions, agreements, and laws that provide for the advancement and empowerment of women, I think that (again) subsuming "women" under the all-general term of "men" in the new "Apostles Creed" is a step backward for gender equality and the empowerment of both women and men. My fear (I hope though unfounded) is that for those who are not yet, or not yet fully, gender-sensitive, reading or reciting that line over and over again in the "Apostles Creed" might reinforce (even subliminally) their traditional mindset that women have less roles to play in society and in other aspects of life, hence no need to further mention "women" in the same breath that "men" are mentioned. Another traditional mindset (in basic linguistics especially) is that the word "man" already encompasses "women." But, of course, I hope people will be, in general, more progressive thinking than what my expectations suggest. In the meantime, for gender equality advocates like me, I can only continue to "cringe" whenever the congregation comes to that "sexist" line while reciting the prayer in unison at the Mass, or else I pause at the word "us" in the "For us men..." and continue on to the next phrase "and for our salvation..."
I know that my opinion is a mere speck on the institution of the prayer and the Church. But, I guess, I just wanted to get that off my chest :)
The New Apostles' Creed
I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen
Friday, November 23, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
My beloved ageing parents
My parents may not be in the best of health now, but in their best of health then, they were there for us their children, and even up to now in their own ways. Caring for ageing parents can sometimes be a daunting experience, as it can really test one's patience and understanding. But I guess that is nothing compared to what parents have to undergo to rear their children well. Coming from the wake, I was glad to see and be with my Mom and Dad at our home. And I vowed to try even harder to be more patient, appreciative, and understanding of my ageing parents. ;)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The customer is always right! And some mall staff don't seem to know that.
But I noticed that, sadly, because this mall chain changes often its staff, it seems to have fallen back on educating its salespersons and cashiers on customer service. I've witnessed at least three instances in the grocery section of of two of its mall branches of how the cashiers did not now how to politely treat the customers. And these cashiers did not, or refused to, say the magic word "Sorry" even if just to appease the complaining customer. And, then, after the customer had left, the cashiers had the gall to loudly talk to their fellow cashiers or the baggers in their lane about the irate customer. Even if customers may be on the fault sometimes (too demanding, don't know what to do, etc.), still it lies on a mall's salespersons, cashiers, baggers, etc. (in short, a store's frontliners) to be the more understanding AND HUMBLE part of the exchange. The customers are, after all, the lifeblood of the malling business and, for that matter, the lifeblood of the mall staff's job.
It's sad that in the name of gaining more profits for mall owners through contractualization of their staff, they have seemingly done away with training the staff on good customer relations.
Missing Person in San Jose, California, USA: Amber Lozano Viado
Amber Lozano Viado (photo above) has been missing since evening of September 16, 2012 in the USA. Her family resides in San Jose, California. For anyone who has information on Amber, please e-mail her aunt Eileen at
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Ted's Oldtimer La Paz Batchoy is worth the trip
Friday, August 10, 2012
Zendee Rose Tenerefe is your name? Great singer, girl!
Here's a clip from the YouTube channel of "youngjay0918." Posted on July 28, 2012, the channel owner said that he/she came across this girl trying out a videoke for sale in a mall in the Philippines. Well, try out this girl did because she sings fantastically! Is this really Zendee Rose Tenerefe as some of the commentators on YouTube say? Well, whoever you are, come out of the woodwork and share your talent with the world, girl!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Flooded--and it's still raining up to now!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Devastation in my country, the Philippines
from A Coast Guard member reaches out to rescue a man who had clung to a tree for hours after swirling floodwaters swept him away along E. Rodriguez Avenue in Quezon City on Tuesday. photo by: MARIANNE BERMUDEZ
Monday, August 6, 2012
Latest cat photos :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
My music video :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Goodbye, Dolphy!
(image source: Internet)
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Cats are great posers :)
Friday, July 6, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wash, wash the carabaos, in Cebu, Philippines
Friday, June 29, 2012
Feeding the maya birds
Every AM, I throw birdseed near our housegate. The maya birds fly down almost in an instant. We've both developed the habit.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Cat gone!
Yaina (black and white) and Jessica (brown and white) are BFFCs (bestfriend forever cats). They live semi-permanently in our garage. But Yaina went missing a few days ago, after my sister narrowly missed hitting him with the car. But I told my sister that maybe, just maybe, she did hit him--perhaps in the head, giving him amnesia and now he doesn't know how to go back to our house (though maybe he's with the real owner now, our neighbor two houses away. Well, I think they're the real owners). And, so, Jessica remains in our garage, being an orphan now. His mom YogaCat was already taken away by another neighbor who transferred homes early this month. His dad? Who knows who the father is? Heheh. But Jessica (yes, Jessica's a he, so nice name, huh?) maybe won't miss Yaina too much because he joins other cats in our garage who come visiting us from other houses for the free food and water :) I mean, who can resist not feeding a hungry, meowing cat? And, hey, they've become friends with our friendly family poodle. But I'll miss Yaina. As a kitten, I used to carry him in the pocket of my housedress :) A few years ago, I lost another cat named Panching whom I raised after adopting him from SPCA. I trained him to shake hands (or shake cat paw with human hand). He went missing also a few days after we transferred homes. Now, I will miss two cats. And, so, that's my cat story for today :)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
My fave gone at Kenny Rogers Roasters...but bad service remains at SM North Edsa branch
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Summer scene in the countryside
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Jessica Sanchez--2012 American Idol's best! Vote for her, now!
Thanks to caseycarlsonesq YouTube channel!
Friday, April 13, 2012
North Korea's fails rocket launch--good!
I'm just one of the citizens all over Asia and the world (except North Korea's leadership and military) who is happy that North Korea's rocket that it was supposed to launch into orbit the other day did not fly (well, it had flown for like a minute, according a news account I read) but instead swam. Dived right into the sea. That rocket was supposed to bring a satellite into space (or something like that) according to NK authorities, but NK's neighboring countries were especially wary that it was could be connected to a missile test or an actual missile itself by NK. These countries had also taken precautions days ahead because of the supposed debris to fall off the rocket once it was zooming up to the sky while passing through the airspace of its neighbors.
I hope that NK despite its supposedly failed rocket launch will stop any moves deemed adversarial by other countries. It may have isolated itself in most ways from the rest of the world but I hope its leadership will still remember that, like the rest of humanity, they're still humans and have responsibilities to their fellow humans (in their own country and globally) in keeping this Earth safe and peaceful.
Friday, April 6, 2012
God creates beauty
The sun was shining on its full strength before 3PM this Good Friday. Then after a brief rainshower after 3PM, the sun re-appeared for some beautiful moments of light and shadow interplay. God is truly glorious. He makes all things--even simple things--a beauty to behold. I feel blessed for having witnessed this (in Quezon City, Philippines). I only had seconds to grab a camera, and I was only able to get the smaller one. But it's good that I was still able to capture some part of this heavenly show.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Vote for Florence Rafols of Philippines--for Voice of McDonald's
and make your online vote for Florence Rafols, who is representing the Philippines in the finals of the Voice of McDonald's global singing contest on April 23, 2012 in the USA. She will sing Power of Love (originally sung by Celine Dion). Online voting is also being, an additional prize for the contestants. When you open the link, wait for Florence's short music video to finish then vote for her. She is being trained for the contest by two of the Philippines's music stalwarts, singer Basil Valdez and composer Ryan Cayabyab. You can vote daily up to April 23, 2012. Thanks!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
My famous corned beef dish :)
1. Pre-heat oil with some water on a pan (yes, i mix oil with some water).
2. Put in numbers 4 to 9 of the above ingredients in the pan, and mix them all together. Put in some fine salt, and mix again to distribute the salt.
3. When your mix-up dries up a bit (or becomes a bit toasted), lower your heat.
4. While you're doing steps 1 to 3, you have gotten out the corned beef from the can and already cooking it in another pan where there's put in some oil already. Don't put in much oil if you don't want an oily corned beef.
5. Put in some fine salt on the corned beef and mix.
6. After a few minutes and before the juice in your corned beef dries up, put in the other ingredients you've already cooked. Mix them all up.
7. Every now and then, mix the corned beef your cooking. Fire should be moderately high. When the juice of the corned is about to dry or is already dry, you can put out the fire. (To my taste buds, dry or a bit dry corned beef tastes better.)
8. Transfer the corned beef to a deep dish. Put in the corn kernels and pre-toasted garlic.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Memories wrapped by memories

Rempson was one of the go-to places in Manila more than a decade ago, before the coming of the malls. An old family photo wrapped in a plastic bag of an old Manila store. Memories wrapped by memories.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Hot, hot, hot in the Philippines! Time for "halo-halo"!
Here's how "halo-halo" commonly looks like. Like it? Grab it! :)
(Internet photo)

Saturday, March 3, 2012
Yapak--isang tunay na pangyayari
Tinignan ko yong mga naglalakad pa ring mga bata kung ayos lang sila. Palingon-lingon sila sa drayber, para bang nag-iisip kung bakit sila gustong sagasaan yata kanina. Tapos, dahil malapit na ko sa mga bata, medyo naamoy ko sila. Medyo maantot. Madungis yong katawan at damit nila. Nakita ko rin na wala silang sapin sa paa. Parang ang kapal na nga ng ilalim ng paa nila sa kakalakad ng walang saplot sa kanilang mga murang paa. Naawa naman ako bigla. Ganun talaga ako, eh, mabilis maawa sa mga batang ganito na nakikita ko sa kalye. Pero siguro kahit na sino naman na nakakakita sa mga batang ganito kung saan-saan sa Metro Manila ay nakakaramdam din ng awa sa kanila. Ay, hindi pala lahat. May mga taong katulad nung drayber na gusto yata silang sagasaan, o sindakin man lang. Mas lalo pa akong naawa kasi naisip ko baka na-“trauma” yong bata sa ginawa ng drayber sa kanila. O, baka naman sanay na ang mga batang eto sa mga peligro sa kalye at malilimutan din nila ang nangyari?
Pero, sa oras na yon, parang naramdaman ko na kailangang may gawin ako para sa mga batang eto. Kinausap ko habang naglalakad sila, nasa likod nila ako. “Magkapatid kayo?” tanong ko. “Hindi po, magkasama lang,” tugon ng isa. “Ba’t wala kayong tsinelas,” tanong ko uli. “Po?” sagot naman ng isa. “Tara, tignan natin dun sa kanto, baka may tindang tsinelas, punta tayo dun,” aya ko sa kanila. Sumunod naman sila, masunuring mga bata.
At buti na lang nga, yong isang maliit na “variety store” sa kanto, may mga tsinelas. Tinanong ko yong babaeng nagtitinda kung may kasya dun sa mga bata, yong mura lang, sabi ko (baka kasi kulangin ang pera kong dala, heheh). Yong sa mas maliit na bata, may nagkasya agad na tsinelas na goma. Yong mas malaking ng konti na bata, mas malaki ng konti sa paa nya yong isang tsinelas na goma rin. Sabi ko, pwede na yan, kasi mabilis ka naman tatangkad pa. Sabi ng nagtitinda, ano ko raw yong mga bata. Sabi ko nakasabay ko lang sila. Binayaran ko ng “tapwe” (singkwenta pesos, “tapwe” nga ba tawag dun, sa John en Marsha ko ata narinig yon noon-noon pa heheh) yong babae at iniwan na yong mga bata kasi bibili pa nga ko ng ulam. Pero binilinan ko yong mga bata na huwag nila iwawala yong mga tsinelas nila. “Opo,” narinig ko habang palayo ako.
Maya-maya, bitbit ko ang mga supot ng pinamili kong ulam, pabalik na ko sa bahay sa ganung kalye din nang makita ko yong dalawang bata sa tindahan na kung saan ko sila iniwan. Mukhang busy yong babaeng nagtitinda sa paghalukay sa lalagyan nila ng mga tsinelas na paninda. “O, anong nangyari sa tsinelas mo?” sabi ko dun sa medyo mas malaking bata, kasi wala na naman siyang saplot sa paa. “Ay, ayaw niya yong tsinelas, Ate, malaki raw. Choosy sya. Kaso wala na talagang kasya sa kanya,” hirit ng nagtitinda sa akin. “Ay, ganun,” sabi ko. “Sige, bigyan mo na lang ng medyo mas mahal na tsinelas, baka may sukat siya doon” (may natira pa kasi akong pera sa pitaka ko, heheh). Eh di naghanap na sya sa iba nilang “stock,” at sa wakas ay may kasukat na sa paa ng bata. Nagdagdag ako ng trenta’y-singko pesos para sa tsinelas, at binilinan ko uli yong dalawang bata na ingatan nila ang kanilang mga suot pati na rin ang sarili nila.
Yon, kaya ang pakiusap ko lang sa inyo na makababasa nito maikling “true story” na eto ay kung may mga tsinelas o sapatos na kinalakihan na ng mga bata sa inyong bahay, ipunin ninyo ang mga eto, huwag itapon, huwag ibigay para kagat-kagatin ni Bantay. Ibigay ninyo na lamang sa mga bastang paslit sa paligid-ligid natin. Marami sila. Siyempre, mas maganda kung may maibabahagi tayong iba pang bagay sa kanila bukod sa tsinelas o sapatos. Pero, magandang simula na rin na saplot man lamang sa paa ay maihandog natin sa mga batang eto. Mahirap maglakad ng nakayapak. Mahirap pumunta sa gusto mong puntahan. Mahirap bumuo ng mga pangarap kapag ang hubad mong paa ay nakalapat diretso sa lupa or sa semento na kinatatayuan o nilalakaran mo, na para bang sinasabing akin ka, dito ka lang sa kalye, dito ka lang nababagay, wala ka ng pag-asang maka-alis dito upang magkaroon ng mas magandang buhay. Pero kung may maibabahagi tayo sa ganitong mga bata, baka sakaling dahil sa maramdaman nilang kabaitan at pag-alala mula sa ibang tao ay maisip nila sa murang edad nila na may halaga sila, at may pag-asa pa sila sa kabila ng isang mahirap na buhay na kinagisnan nila.
Wala dapat na batang nakayapak, di nakakaligo, di nakakakain, di nakakapag-aral. Wala dapat na batang di maaring mangarap at makamit ang isang magandang buhay.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Whitney Houston funeral, Feb. 18, 2012, live stream in about three hours from now
Press or copy the link above to watch the live stream, courtesy of GMA News Network (Philippines), as announced in GMA News' Twitter account @gmanews
To quote:
Watch the livestream of the funeral of singer Whitney Houston, starting at 9:00PM PHL time on Sat. Feb 18...
Monday, February 13, 2012
Whitney Houston and Karen Carpenter--both died in February
And just now, I found out through the Internet that, curiously enough, Whitney and Karen both died on a February. A week apart (of course, many years apart). And, if I may sound cheesy on this one, both died a few days before Valentine's Day. And to think that these two wonderful women helped the world celebrate love through their very popular love songs that to this date bring warmth to many hearts. Perhaps, the heavens made sure that Whitney and Karen won't leave us on V-Day itself, pardon me for saying that, because for sure many of their fans and music lovers in general would be even more heartbroken if they should lose these two ladies on the day that they helped to make special with their songs.
To Whitney--and to Karen--thanks for all the talent and the music you've shared with us, and the memories that your songs will continue to create beautifully in this world.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Young Filipino cancer victim needs help
I saw this appeal for in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, a newspaper in the Philippines. You might want to help this young cancer victim. Prayers will also help. Thanks!
Cancer victim needs help
Philippine Daily InquirerEight-year-old Ella Flor Homeres showed early promise at her school at the Grace Montessori of Novaliches (Philippines) finishing second grade with honors. But Flor’s life changed almost a year ago when she was diagnosed with bone cancer. Her parents, both staff at the Department of Education (DepEd-Philippines), are appealing to kind hearts for help.
Now on her second month of treatment at the Philippine Children’s Medical Center, Ella is in dire need of chemotherapy. Her mother, Flora, an employee at DepEd’s Bureau of Secondary Education, and father Junell, a contractual worker at DepEd’s Bureau of Alternative Learning System, can no longer afford her costly treatment.
To help, you may contact Flora at +639208435949 or Junell at +639203799767. You may also deposit any amount to Josephine Flora Homeres’ account 334-500-4377 with Landbank Philippines.Thursday, February 2, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Dumping garbage--old habits die hard

Philippine Pres. Noynoy Aquino passed by this area on Jan. 6, 2012. This is at corner of San Miguel St. and Aramis St. in Villa Corrina, Barangay Pasong Tamo, Tandang Sora district, Quezon City, Philippines. Aquino was on his way to the venue where ceremonies were to be held to celebrate the 200th birthday of Melchora Aquino, better known as "Tandang Sora," one of the Philippines's heroes. A day before and on the day itself that Pres. Aquino (no relation to Melchora, I suppose) was to pass by Visayas Ave., Tandang Sora Ave., San Miguel St., Aramis St., Himlayan Rd., etc., on his way to the venue, streetsweepers made this area and surrounding streets sparkling clean. I've never seen the streets so clean before (pity I wasn't able to take photographs of that).
Tarpaulin streamers were even hung on the lightposts leading up to the venue, with inspiring words like "Tandang Sora--Katapatan (Loyalty)," etc., all extolling virtues pertaining to the hero. Well, now, as you can see, things are back to normal at those streets mentioned. Old habits die hard for the residents, it seems. It's really more fun and easy to dump garbage at the sidewalks. And this photo was taken just a day after the garbage truck passed by on its regular schedule. Which is another matter I don't understand. The garbage truck regularly comes on schedule in our neighborhood--Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Although Wednesdays are supposed to be for picking up only recyclable trash. Yet, despite this regular schedule, residents are still impatient and can't wait to get their trash off of their houses. What are sidewalks for anyway? Old habits really die hard. Not even after supertyphoons "Ondoy" and "Sendong" with all the deadly floods that they brought to the Philippines. And not even after just celebrating the birthday of the hero after whom the place was named.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
PAWS, a Philippines animal shelter, seeks help
The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) seeks help from the public for pitbulls it has recently rescued from a dogfight raid in Cavite, Philippines. PAWS needs cleaning agents (towels, soap, mops, and similar items) for the dogs. Of course, PAWS will also welcome other forms of assistance for the pitbulls and other animals that it cares for. Those who want to help can contact PAWS staff Ana +63917831597o or Charlene +639177931097.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Dragon Fireworks a dud
In New Year's Eve to usher in 2012, I was down to one pack of sparklers with long handles (10 or 12 pieces in a pack) and a fountain. I bought them from a stall of Dragon Fireworks in a mall. Each one cost more than a hundred pesos. Dragon has always been my choice of fireworks. I've trusted no other fireworks manufacturer for beauty and safety. In fact, I almost bought from another fireworks manufacturer in the same mall just for the thought of trying out something different. But I still bought from Dragon in the end.
Well, it was a waste of money certainly. The fountain was alright, although I wished that its lights would have went a bit higher. But the sparklers were a dud! For the first time in years that I've been using Dragon sparklers, only about three or four pieces in the pack lighted up. My mother and sister were certainly disappointed because sparklers were the only ones that they've been lighting up in the past years.
Dragon Fireworks, made in Bulacan province in the Philippines, touts itself as one of the best, if not the best, in the industry. But it really let me down. Because of the fact that I really know I wasted precious money on Dragon's non-lighting sparklers and my guilt that I contribute to pollution however little fireworks I light up, I've decided that this will be the end of my "fireworks days."
New Year's Eve 2013, I'll be a noisy as I can be with various noisemakers, and will bring out bottles of bubble to do some serious bubble-making with the electric fan full blast.
Happy New Year!
Job opening: FAD looks for Project Coordinator, Manila
They need someone with these qualifications:
1. Graduate of any degree program preferably Psychology, Sociology, Mass Communication, Advertising.
2. Aged 20-30 years old.
3. Excellent communication skills, both in verbal and written form.
4. Organized, resourceful, diligent and passionate in meeting the requirements of the project
5. Personable, can ably represent the organization during meetings.
6. Skilled in the use of the following program applications: MS Word, Excel, Power point.
Those interested, please your CV to:
Ms. Cecilia C. Villa
Executive Director, Foundation for Adolescent Development Inc.
1066 Remedios corner San Bartolome St., Malate,Manila 1004
Telephone: 525-0428; 400-1827,
Mobile: 0917-821-5193