Cat gone!

(black and white) and Jessica (brown and white) are BFFCs (bestfriend
forever cats). They live semi-permanently in our garage. But Yaina went
missing a few days ago, after my sister narrowly missed hitting him with
the car. But I told my sister that maybe, just maybe, she did hit
him--perhaps in the head, giving him amnesia and now he doesn't know how
to go back to our house (though maybe he's
with the real owner now, our neighbor two houses away. Well, I think
they're the real owners). And, so, Jessica remains in our garage, being
an orphan now. His mom YogaCat was already taken away by another
neighbor who transferred homes early this month. His dad? Who knows who
the father is? Heheh. But Jessica (yes, Jessica's a he, so nice name,
huh?) maybe won't miss Yaina too much because he joins other cats in our
garage who come visiting us from other houses for the free food and
water :) I mean, who can resist not feeding a hungry, meowing cat? And,
hey, they've become friends with our friendly family poodle. But I'll
miss Yaina. As a kitten, I used to carry him in the pocket of my
housedress :) A few years ago, I lost another cat named Panching whom I
raised after adopting him from SPCA. I trained him to shake hands (or
shake cat paw with human hand). He went missing also a few days after we
transferred homes. Now, I will miss two cats. And, so, that's my cat story for today :)
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