At 12NN,
the country. With his oath-taking on that day at the historic Rizal Park in Manila, Aquino ended the nine-year reign of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo who had become, in her last years of office, one of the most unpopular, if not THE most unpopular ever, presidents that the country has ever had. Her pummeling ratings on performance/populari
ty surveys reflected the people's lack of confidence in her as President amid many accusations of corruption against her Administration. Although Filipinos will not see the last of Arroyo because she will now sit in the country’s House of Repres
entatives as a Congresswoman (having run and won a seat in Congress also in the May elections which, undoubtedly, raised eyebrows everywhere), there is a least a collective sigh of relief that she is not the president anymore. (A side story to that is that her move to Congress is suspected of being just a ploy for her to escape corruption charges, and also for her to continue perpetuating herself in power by aiming for the top spot in the House as Speaker, and maybe even more.)
Anyway, the memorable inaugural of Noynoy and also new Vice President Jejomar Binay on June 30 was started by the awesome rendition of “Lupang Hinirang,” the
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