Trinoma Sbarro Spaghetti with Chicken Parmigiana with button!!!
I wasn’t a fan before of Sbarro, the restaurant that prides itself on fresh Italian cooking. But, recently, I’ve grown to like its spaghetti with tomato sauce and, later, its pizza. But, even more recently, starting on April 7, 2010, I’ve already “unliked” Sbarro. This, after I found a button in its spaghetti with chicken parmigiana, which I took out for lunch from Sbarro’s restaurant in Trinoma Mall, Quezon City, that day. I had made a quick trip to Trinoma to buy an electrical outlet for our house. I arrived at the mall in time for lunch. After some musing on what my taste buds were harping for at that time, I finally decided to have spaghetti and pizza at Sbarro in Trinoma. But since the restaurant was getting crowded at that time, I took out my order to eat it at the fast-food area down below the mall where there were lots more seats.
I'm the type of person who gets really excited when I'm about to eat something that I know or feel will taste good. But my excitement turned to real dismay when when I saw a piece of button on my Sbarro spaghetti after I’ve cut the chicken to pieces and rolled over the noodles in the sauce. The button was rusty-looking or maybe it was rusty—not easy to tell because it was mired in sauce. It was a button that looked the kind that came from a pair of pants, with a small protruding part. I suddenly imagined with fear what would have happened if i had swallowed that button.
I hurriedly put back the spaghetti and pizza in the Sbarro plastic bag and went back to the store. I talked to the manager and showed her the spaghetti with chicken parmigiana with button. I asked for a replacement—of the button—nah, of the spaghetti heheh. She gave me a new spaghetti order, and I told her that her crew should be more careful in giving out orders of food to avoid any accident. She told me that it was hard to trace where the button came from, or in what stage of processing the food that the button
came into the picture. Anyway, for me, wherever or however that button came into my spaghetti, all I could think about is what kind of hygienic practices does Sbarro have that a foreign object could have made its way into food that it would sell? And a potentially dangerous object if swallowed, at that. I’m very picky with cleanliness with it comes to my food. Well, Sbarro has just lost a new fan and potentially loyal customer.
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