Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

Just want to greet my fellow Earthlings a very Merry Christmas 2014! Take care and give love on Christmas Day!

toinkthegirl :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hope to meet him again

A few days ago, I had the wonderful chance of being able to buy a simple lunch for two homeless kids. I happened to be waiting for my take-out food (my family's lunch) at this small eatery near my home when these two little brothers with dirty clothes approached the counter to ask how much were the sweets on display. They seemed to be nice kids, and very hungry. Since it was lunchtime and it was as if I could feel their hunger, I took a quick look at the remaining money in my wallet. I had enough to buy them two plates of rice and two viands. They didn't touch the other viand. They requested for a plastic bag after hurriedly eating. They put the other viand in the plastic bag, saying that it was for their mom somewhere. So touching that they remembered their mom at that time.

Then last night, I was at the same small eatery, this time to buy my family's take-out dinner. While waiting for my noodles (pansit) to be cooked, an untidy man carrying a knapsack bag and two big sacks of thing-a-ma-jigs entered the store. He first left behind his two sacks at the store's entrance. He approached the counter where the viands for sale were on display. I couldn't hear him too much because of the other people buying their food and also because of noise from the nearby busy street. But I thought I heard one of the store staff saying to him that they had nothing to sell to him for only PhP20.00 (or about US 50 cents). I think I saw the untidy man holding a 20-peso bill. I was actually eyeing the untidy man all along because he looked so pitiful, with his dirty clothes and thin frame. I had the growing urge to buy him some food as I watched him, knowing that I had still had some money on my wallet. 

But I was confused as to whether or not he was able to buy food because I couldn't clearly hear the brief talk between him and the person behind the counter. It was too late for me to realize that he was not able to buy food. His money was not enough for the viands that cost about PhP40 (about US 1 dollar) for each kind. He had hurriedly left the store, picking up his things along the way out. 

I felt so guilty at not being able to help him out with my meager resources, I tried to look out from the store if I could still see him. But he was already far away. 

Now I wish that I will see him again around the area so that I could give him some food or whatever little help I could give him. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Making my Dad's drinks

When I was a kid who was choosy with her food, my Dad used to entice me into eating by "decorating" the edges of my dinner plate. He would place morsels of food around my rice, such as fried chicken or fish. And I would enjoy looking at my decorated plate (if there was online social media then, I would have uploaded pix everyday!). He would coax me into eating each morsel with rice, until I finish off the whole thing.

Today, sometimes I am the one on duty at home, preparing my Dad's 24-hour milk supply for his tummy peg. Carefully weighing the powdered milk, making sure it is exactly 170 grams for each of two bottles, ready for the blender machine. Just as my Dad made sure that the food on my plate was to my liking, as a kid.

Dad's almost immobile in bed now, his 89-year-old body a shadow of his former self, his memory of us but a flicker, if at all. But, thank God, he is still with us despite the circumstances. He is the youngest among nine siblings, his brothers and sisters long gone. He was a salesperson, he was a musician, he was a great tennis player, he was an expert in public relations (he knew everybody and everybody knew him, calling him 'Tay that was short for "uncle" in our province's dialect), he was a fisher (he loved the seas), he was a writer.

I cannot think of an ending for this little pondering of mine now. Maybe because I do not want it to end, just yet :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

My cover of Carpenters' Love Me for What I Am

This is just an audio file, folks! I can't upload the images in a supposedly video file. I love the Carpenters singing duo. The Carpenters has sung some of the most melodious songs ever composed (and, of course, there's the beautiful voice of Karen and the fantastic arrangements of Richard). I always almost go first for the melody of a song even before I can get to know the lyrics. And the melody of this song "Love Me for What I Am" is one of the nicest ones to hear from the Carpenters' array of hits. 

Here's my singing version of the song. Although my voice falters a bit toward the last part (at 2:53) hahah! Hope you still enjoy listening to my version, though. You can take aspirin after :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Birthday, Mama Mary

She has always assisted me in praying to her son Jesus, from little things to big things for which I've prayed. Although, of course, His Divine Will will always be done. Her everlasting love is inspiring. 

And today September 8, 2014, I greet her HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

I love you, MAMA MARY!!!

Monday, August 11, 2014

RIP Mr. Robin Williams

God must be so sad today because of human strife, intensified in many locations on Earth. He needed cheering up, and He called home one of the best to do just that.

Farewell, Mork! Nanu, Nanu!

photo from

Friday, June 20, 2014

Cats in our garage

Our garage at home has become a stay-in place for stray cats--adult cats, nursing cats, newly born kittens, etc. Here's a look at some of them. 

Fur show
What's that?!
What's that?!

And that, too?!

Sleepy Sister and Brother Cat take recyling/reusing boxes seriously.