Many years ago, my family and I used to watch on the boob tube the "Concert at the Park" that showcased various musical talents onstage at the Luneta Park in Manila. It was shown live in the afternoon on the government's television station, while hundreds of people also watched at the Luneta. Another live concert, also shown on television (but usually on delayed telecast) was the "Paco Park Presents" that featured musical talents in Paco Park, also in Manila. Paco Park was a smaller venue compared to Luneta, hence fewer people watched it live at the park. But the good quality of musical talents featured in Paco Park was at par as that in Luneta Park.
Anyway, nowadays, I don't know if these two venues still host these free concerts or shows. But for the past few months, people doing their Sunday malling in Trinoma mall in Quezon City have been enjoying themselves at the Landmark Department Store foodcenter area (basement), where a brass band (from Bulacan province, I heard) is seated at the center and plays music. The band regales foodcenter customers with past and current hits at certain hours of the day. Music with fast tempo is a hit with children enjoying meals with their elders. The kids stomp their feet and clap their hands in tune to the fast music. The adults take in everything from disco to ballads (of course, the kids must have been enjoying listening to the ballads, too).
Sometimes, Landmark also has a string ensemble somewhere in its store.
My thanks to Landmark for making the effort to relax stressed souls with live music on Sundays.